During an email migration, I wanted to see how many users would be under the new limits that would be imposed on them. In most cases, the restrictions would match their location in Active Directory. So I was able to export the needed details and view them:
# Process email stats for users in the specified OU and save to CSV file Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Support if (!$args) # Empty arguments { write-host "You must specify correct arguments, specify the OU to check, then the file name. ie. email_stats.ps1 domain.com/OUName/OUName2 oulist.csv" } write-host "Processing based on arguments..." write-host "OU: " $args[0] write-host "CSV: " $args[1] $OUName = $args[0] $FileName = $args[1] $i=0 $strTest = "Name,Alias,ServerName,OU,TotalSize(KB)`n" $arrMailboxList = get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit $OUName | select name, alias,servername,organizationalunit $arrMailBoxListCount = $arrMailboxList.count foreach ($item in $arrMailboxList) { $i = $i+1 write-progress -id 1 -activity "Getting Mailbox List" -status "Progress:" -percentcomplete ($i/$arrMailboxListCount*100) $arrMailboxStats = Get-MailboxStatistics -identity $item.alias | select displayname,totalitemsize foreach ($stat in $arrMailboxStats) { $strTest = $strTest + $item.name + "," + $item.alias + "," + $item.servername + "," + $item.organizationalunit + "," + $stat.totalitemsize.value.toKB() + "`n" } } Out-File -filePath $FileName -inputObject $strTest -encoding ASCII
This is my first powershell script using arguments. In this script, I was wanting to submit 2 arguments – the Organisation Unit to check and the CSV file to save the final results to. The basic work flow is to get all the users in the specified OU and then loop through the results, performing a Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet on each. A CSV-formatted string is stored in a variable and then finally outputted to a CSV file.