Rendering Issues with Nodejs/NextJS and Azure Front Door

Recently at my workplace, a new application using Node JS and NextJS was implemented. As with all our public facing websites, it was placed behind Azure’s Front Door service, to provide web application firewall (WAF) and caching functionality.

During testing, it was discovered that the site would sometimes not render properly. However it wasn’t a 100% failure rate.

An Early Theory – Geography

Early on a common theme was noticed. If the user device was located in Brisbane, regardless of OS, browser or ISP used, the site would fail to render. If the device was in or close to Sydney, it would render properly. Trying a few other geographical points using VPNs showed similar behaviours.

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Azure Defender for DevOps – First Impressions

The recent batch of high profile security incidents at various companies in Australia highlights the need for appropriate security measures across all components of an organisation’s infrastructure. Defender for DevOps is a new functional addon (in preview) to Defender for Cloud. It provides security functionality for your code respositories and associated components.


When navigating to the Defender for Cloud interface, a new option will appear under the “Cloud Security” heading.

The new DevOps Security option

Once we click on this, we are presented with an intro splash page with steps to getting started. The first step is to connect to the environments. Both Azure DevOps and Github repositories are supported environments.

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“Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel” error when using self-hosted Azure DevOps Agent

Recently the team I’m in has been getting into Microsoft’s new Bicep language. As part of a release pipeline, the infrastructure was being deployed – in this case an Azure App Service. Then the application code was being deployed using the standard “Azure App Service Deploy” task. At this particular task, it would error out:

Error: Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://<App Service Name><App Service Name>'.
Error: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

The pipeline was being run through our “Default” agent pool, which was a self-hosted agent.

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