Powershell Task of the Day – Move Mailbox for all users in an Organisational Unit (part 2, Bulk move)

A follow on from the previous script was to move a larger number of users in a list of OUs. To make the task easier, I decided to automate it a bit:

$miglist = import-csv c:scriptsmigration.csv

foreach ($item in $miglist)
$strTargetmbx = "EXCH02" + $item.tiernumber + "-east" + $item.tiernumber + "-east"
$strReportFile = "c:scripts" + $item.name + ".xml"
Get-Mailbox -server "EXCH01" -OrganizationalUnit $item.ouname | `
Move-Mailbox -Confirm:$False -TargetDatabase $strTargetmbx -SourceMailboxCleanupOptions DeleteSourceMailbox -ReportFile $strReportFile

In the first line, I’m importing the contents of a CSV file that listed the OUs, a friendly name for the OU and the “tier” database those users were to go in. Iterating through the $miglist, I construct the target mailbox database name ($strTargetmbx) and report filename ($strReportFile). The Move-Mailbox command uses the -Confirm:$False switch to suppress confirmation. If this switch isn’t used, you will be prompted for confirmation at each step. The rest of the move command is pretty simple, specifying where to move to and a report filename.

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